Is Play The Flute Based On A True Story

Is Play The Flute Based On A True Story

Is Play The Flute Based On A True Story


Play The Flute is a novel by author Janice Y.K. Lee. The story follows the lives of three generations of a Chinese family over the course of their lives in Hong Kong and the United States. Themes of family, culture, and identity are explored through the relationships between the characters.

Plot Summary

The story begins in the 1950s, when the narrator's grandmother, Ailin, is living in Hong Kong with her husband and children. Ailin is a talented flutist, but she is forced to give up her music to care for her family. When her husband passes away, she decides to move to the United States in search of a better life for her children. Once in the US, Ailin and her children struggle to adapt to their new life. Her eldest daughter, May, decides to pursue a career in music, and attends Juilliard to become a professional flutist. May's younger sister, Rose, also follows in her footsteps and becomes a professional flutist. The story follows the lives of Ailin, May, and Rose as they navigate their lives in the US and struggle to find their identities and balance their cultural heritage with their American dreams.


The novel explores themes of family, identity, and culture. Ailin's story is a reflection of the immigrant experience, and her struggle to balance her traditional Chinese values with her desire to provide a better life for her children. May and Rose's stories show the challenges of being caught between two cultures, and their search for a sense of belonging. The novel also examines the themes of love and loss, as the characters struggle with their relationships with their families and each other.


Play The Flute has been widely praised for its vivid characterization and exploration of complex themes. The novel has been included on the New York Times Bestseller List, and has been nominated for several awards.

Is Play The Flute Based On A True Story?

No, Play The Flute is not based on a true story. The novel is a work of fiction, and the characters and events in the story are entirely the product of the author's imagination.

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Questions and Answers:

1. what is true statement based on the story ?​


artinya apa pernyataan yg benar berdasarkan cerita

2. Bedanya a novel based on a true story & a novel based on a true story apa? Mana yg benar


a novel based on a true story

adalah novel berdasarkan dengan kisah nyata jadi yg anda tulis diatas benar dan tidak ada bedanya

3. 1 explain the chararter based on the story' 2 what is problem the story' 3 what is the ending the story' 4 what the adjectives based on the story' 5 what is moral Valve based on the story


Ceritanya juga kak biar bisa dijawab



4. which of the following statements is not true based on the text

yang mana mengikuti statement yang tidak benar dari text tersebut

5. which sentence is true based on the picture above​


artinya manakah kalimat yang benar berdasarkan gambar di atas


maaf kalau salah semoga membantu

6. based on the table above which statement is true​


berdasarkan tabel di atas pertanyaan mana yg benar

7. Which of the statements is TRUE based on the dialog? *​


sorry, where is the dialog?

8. arti :which statement is true based on the teks​


pernyataan manakah yang paling benar berdasarkan pada teks


pernyataan mana yg benar dalam teks tersebut

9. Arti Based on the text, which statement is true?

Artinya: "berdasarkan text (bacaan) tersebut, pernyataan manakah yang benar?"


Berdasarkan teks diatas,pernyataan manakah yang benar?

10. what is true based on the conversation above?


apa yang benar berdasarkan percakapan diatas?

11. which statment is true based on the dialogue​


Mana dari pertanyaan ini yang sesuai dengan dialognya

12. Which one is TRUE based on the conversationabove?​


yntkts mana soalnya??

13. which of the following statements is true based on the text? ​

the following statement based on text? sorry where is the text

14. Apa jawaban dari which or the following statement is true based on the text

Arti dari itu adalah menanyakan pernyataan yang mana yang benar dari text tersebut

pernyataan mana yang benar berdasarkan teks tersebut

15. The following is TRUE based on the text! *​


A. 1-2-3-4-5-6


semoga bermanfaat :)

16. the true statesment based on the text is

pernyataan sebenarnya berdasarkan teks adalah

17. Below is the true statements based on the text abover

Jawaban:maksut apa sih


maaf ya kak gue gak ngerti maksutnya apa

18. state true or false based on the sentence based on the picture the bank is behind the post office​


katakan benar atau salah berdasarkan keputusan berdasarkan gambar bank berada di belakang kantor pos


semoga membantu

19. the true statement based on the dialogue above is​


Rulla and Rina have the same hobby.


maaf klo slh

20. white statement is true based on the text above? ​


not true, because you don't even think about the feelings of other people, where are the pictures? How can I answer them if the photos you just ask don't exist!

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